Unsolicited Raves from Readers . . .


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Dr. Schmidt,
I just received your book in the mail. Page after page bring me to tears. THANK YOU. These prayers are simple and profound and express what is in my heart. I appreciate your perspective so much and I wanted to let you know.

I love your prayers, insight and passion.  I'm also enjoying the pictures too.

May there be twenty-eight more like it.  It has become my “book of hours.”  I change the page every day and read the prayers.

The combination of deep faith without piety pleases me.   The way you see the divine at every turn reaffirms my own experience.

Thank you so much for the awesome book!

What a gentle collection of small prayers in your own inimitable style.  I will indeed peruse one or two a day, as you suggest, during my morning meditations.  . . . The small girl on page 20 is captivating.  I love how her head is tipped, her colar askew, her hands folded.

When I pray with my children, we take turns saying grace and I really never know what they will say.  I love your very organic, real life prayers.

Thank you SO much for Prayers at 8:30!  I read and prayed it cover to cover as I flew to South Africa in June.  (The flight from Atlanta to Johannesburg is about 17 hours long.)  The book was a wonderful blessing. 

I just checked the mail today and received your book, Prayers at 8:30.  I can't tell you in words how appreciative I am for an autographed copy.  That is so special to me.  I will be buying all of your books for my children, eventually grandchildren, and I to enjoy.  They will sit next to my Scriptures on my bookshelf except for when we are reading them which is every day.










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